Introducing MyDay Toric Contact Lenses
We are excited to share with you that we are one of only two offices in the Lowcountry that is launching the newest contact lens for the correction of astigmatism – MyDay Toric! The new daily disposable MyDay Toric is made of the same Smart Silicone material of the successful MyDay lens. Coopervision has taken…
Read More2017 Patient Appreciation Harbor Cruise
We want to say thank you to everyone who came out and enjoyed our Patient Appreciation Harbor Cruise on 10/17/17 – we had an amazing time and were glad we could share it with our patients. Thank you also goes out to our reps from Safilo, Essilor, Kenmark, Modo, CooperVision, and Bausch+Lomb who helped us…
Read MoreSolar Eclipse 2017: Enjoy This Stellar Moment
Things are getting very exciting around here as we prepare for the first total eclipse in the US since 1979! And here in Mt. Pleasant we are lucky enough to be right in the path of totality. That means that on Monday, August 21, we will see the moon completely cover the sun for…
Read MoreNew Contact Lens Recycling Program
We were saddened to find out several months ago that our contact lens blister packs were not being recycled when we put them in our curbside recycling bin, but instead were being sorted out and directed to the landfill due to their small size. We have been trying to figure out a way to overcome…
Read MoreWhy Eye Fight
February is National Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) Awareness Month and this year Bausch + Lomb is stepping up their efforts. They are partnering with Prevent Blindness for the second year in a row to urge patients to join the fight for their sight. To start, they are working with Jeopardy! to create a special…
Read MoreValentines Day Sale
What better time than Valentine’s Day to fall in love with a new pair of glasses. Come in to find your new pair on either Tuesday, February 14 or Wednesday, February 15 and receive 40% off your complete pair*, including prescription sunglasses! Check out our virtual try on to get a head start on finding that perfect frame. Also, don’t forget…
Read More2016 Patient Appreciation Harbor Cruise
Our patients make us very happy and we want to show our appreciation. Please join us aboard the General Beauregard on Tuesday, October 18 at 6:15 PM for a two hour cruise around Charleston Harbor. Onboard there will be appetizers, beer/wine/non-alcoholic beverages, and music by the Green Levels for you to enjoy while taking in…
Read MoreContact Lens Health Week 2016
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has named August 22-26, 2016 as Contact Lens Health Week. When used and cared for properly, contact lenses are an incredible medical device that allows us to see clearly without glasses as well as help transform our look. They also provide a boost in self esteem for…
Read MoreDon’t Fail Your Child Before School Starts
It is hard to believe that the summer is already half way over! And that means it is time to start thinking about getting your child ready for “Back to School.” You may not realize it, but approximately 80% of our learning involves our vision! Therefore, it stands to reason that good…
Read MoreMemorial Weekend Sunglasses Sale
Celebrate Memorial Weekend and the official kick-off to summer with our huge sunglasses sale! Buy any pair of sunglasses and we’ll throw in a FREE beach towel* AND a $50 gift card to Target to use toward even more of your beach and summertime needs. Choose from brands like Maui Jim, Costa…
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