What To Expect

Here at The Vision Center at Seaside Farms we take great pride in providing a thorough examination of each patient’s current and future vision.  Here is an overview of our two part examination process:

Part 1: Current Vision – making sure you can see as well as possible

  • A few computerized tests in our pre-test room
  • A check of your vision with your current glasses or contact lenses if worn
  • An electronic refraction to determine your new prescription, including a nighttime vision assessment
  • An evaluation of all the ocular systems ensuring they are working properly

Part 2: Future Vision – making sure your vision will stay at current levels

  • An examination of all ocular tissues including digital photography
  • A check of the pressure inside the eye (not to worry, we do not puff any air)
  • Drops are instilled to dilate the eyes
  • A dilated examination of the back of the eyes including digital photography


We kindly ask that you bring the following to your exam:

  • All glasses that you use or have used, including sunglasses
  • Current contact lens prescription (boxes will work), contact lens solutions and cases
  • A list of your current medications
  • All medical and vision insurance cards
  • A picture ID