Contact Lens Health Week 2016
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has named August 22-26, 2016 as Contact Lens Health Week. When used and cared for properly, contact lenses are an incredible medical device that allows us to see clearly without glasses as well as help transform our look. They also provide a boost in self esteem for teenagers and young adults. However, when mistreated, they can produce a myriad of problems with our eyes and can even lead to blindness in severe cases. All week long we will be updating this post with articles, news, and thoughts about safe contact lens wear.
Monday, August 22, 2016
Contact lens solutions are not all created equal. Check out this post we did a few years ago for an introduction to the subject and why it is important to use a premium branded solution to rinse, clean and store your contact lenses. We know that price is usually a factor when purchasing your lens solutions, so for the entire week we will be taking 30% off of our Optifree PureMoist 16 oz bottles, Clear Care 16 oz bottles, and TSA friendly travel size bottles of Optifree PureMoist.
Optifre PureMoist 16 oz: $13.95, now $9.77 (compare to Wal-Mart of $9.96 for a 10 oz bottle – we are giving you 60% free!)
Clear Care 16 oz: $13.95, now $9.77 (compare to Wal-Mart of $9.96 for a 12 oz bottle – we are giving you 33% free!)
Optifree PureMoist 2 oz: $3.95, now $2.77 (compare to Wal-Mart of $2.96 for a 2 oz bottle)
So, what better way is there to start Contact Lens Health Week than by picking up your new lens solution for an amazing price? Hurry, sale ends 8/26/2016.
Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Healthy Habits = Healthy Eyes! Wearing contact lenses is a several step process, each of which can pose a threat to contaminating a lens and leading to infection. Click here to learn more from the CDC about proper lens hygeine.
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Water and contact lenses don’t mix. From rinsing lenses, swimming or showering in them, and more, click here to learn more about why water is bad for contact lens hygeine.
Thursday, August 25, 2016
How many people do you think do not care for their lenses properly? Find that answer and more facts about contact lens wearers by clicking here.
Friday August 26, 2016
Contact lense are just like underwear! Click here to learn how.