Maui Jim Seeing is Believing Contest
Want a FREE pair of the world’s best polarized sunglasses? Stop in and try on your favorite Maui Jim sunglasses and ‘See the Difference.’ We will post a photo of you in the pair you like the most and post it onto our Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Instagram pages. Once your photo is up, have your friends and family share, like, retweet, +1, etc. At the end of the promotion, the person with the most likes, shares, etc. will win the pair of Maui Jim sunglasses they picked out! It doesn’t get any easier than that. We will even give you a free Maui Jim gift just for participating (while supplies last)!
Official Rules: No purchase necessary. Contest runs from August 1, 2013 to August 18, 2013. Participant must Like or Follow our social media pages to be entered.