Lens Care Guide
- Always wash hands before handling contact lenses.
- Rub and rinse the surface of the contact lens before storing.
- Use only sterile products recommended by your optometrist to clean and disinfect your lenses. Saline solution and rewetting drops are not designed to disinfect lenses.
- Avoid using tap water to wash or store contact lenses.
- Contact lens solution must be discarded upon opening the case, and fresh solution used each time the lens is placed in the case.
- Replace lenses using your doctor’s prescribed schedule.
- Do not sleep in contact lenses unless prescribed by your doctor and never after swimming.
- Never swap lenses with someone else.
- Never put contact lenses in your mouth.
- See your optometrist regularly for contact lens evaluation.
- If you experience RSVP (redness, secretions, visual blurring or pain), return to your optometrist immediately!