Introducing 1-Day Acuvue Moist Multifocal and CooperVision MyDay contact lenses
We are excited to let you know we have just received our fitting sets for the two newest contact lenses to come to the market – Acuvue’s 1-day Moist Multifocal and CooperVision’s MyDay.
The Acuvue 1-day Moist Multifocal is a brand new daily disposable multifocal design for patients who need correction for distance, near, and intermediate. Based on their successful 1-Day Moist material, the new Multifocal incorporates pupil and prescription enhanced optics. This allows for better vision at all distances with less compromise. Company studies have shown a 94% success rate with this lens.
The MyDay from CooperVision is their newest daily disposable lens for nearsighted and farsighted patients. This new material incorporates Smart Silicone which allows for a softer, more moisture-rich lens while still maintaining the high breathability that silicone is known for. These lenses are the first daily disposables to strike a balance between oxygen transmissibility (which your eyes need) and long-lasting comfort (which your eyes want).
Schedule your appointment today to see how these new lenses will improve your contact lens wearing experience.