By waltmayo | February 14, 2015 | Comments Off on Free Dry Eye Seminar on Friday
Do your eyes burn? Do they water for seemingly no reason? Are they red and irritated? Do they itch? Are you tired of using artificial tears more than a couple of times a week? If you answered yes to any of these, then we have an exciting seminar geared towards you.
We are excited and honored to be able to bring one of the world’s leading thought leaders on dry eye to the Charleston area. Dr. Greg Moore travels around the globe giving lectures and talks on dry eye disease and its various treatment options to physicians and surgeons. He will be giving a seminar open to the public about the symptoms, causes, and treatments for this disease that affects approximately 40% of the US population. He will be presenting information about exciting new treatment options that may offer relief from the pain and irritation caused by dry eye. These new treatments can also decrease or eliminate your dependency on drops or medications.
We are co-hosting this complimentary seminar with our friends at Planet Ballroom on Friday, February 20, 2015 at 10:00 AM at their dance studio located at 1952 Long Grove Drive (that’s the building next door to us). Seating is limited, so please reserve your space by using the button below or calling us at 843-388-6200.
Or if you are interested in what Dr. Moore has to say but unfortunately are unable to make it during the seminar time, then click below and we will provide you with some of the information from Dr. Moore. If there is a large enough response, we will do our best to have Dr. Moore stay for another session on Saturday.