2014 Year in Review
First off, we would like to say thank you to all of our wonderful patients who helped make 2014 our best year yet. We work tirelessly to bring you the best eye care and eyewear experience, and you all make it so rewarding and worthwhile. Here is a recap of our year:
– We brought in three new lines of eyewear – Costa del Mar sunglasses, Robert Graham eyewear, and BMW eyewear. Stay tuned, as we will be announcing our newest addition shortly after the new year!
– We added a new piece of diagnostic equipment, the Heidelberg Spectralis optical coherence tomographer. This has expanded our ability to diagnose diseases such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and diabetic retinopathy, among other things, all much sooner than with traditional techniques. It has also afforded us the opportunity to offer an alternative to a dilated eye exam in some cases.
– We added a new full time employee, Sue Boyer. She is primarily handling our patient pre-testing and contact lenses.
Lastly, we wanted to let you know that we were just awarded Best Eye Doctor by Mount Pleasant Magazine for the second year in a row! We are so honored that you all think so highly of us to vote us the winner. We will continue to bring you the high level of customer service and innovation that you have come to expect from us. Here’s to an even better 2015!