Google Glasses
You may have heard a lot recently about Google’s new self driving car, but have you also heard about their new augmented reality glasses? These new glasses are being developed under Google X, their futuristic and very secretive technology lab. Project Glass, as it is known, is seeking to develop eyewear that will ultimately help the user avoid having to take their phone out of their pocket. Whether it is to take a picture, respond to a text, check-in at a venue, or read reviews, these new glasses hope to do it all for you without stopping to look at your smartphone. The current prototype is now being tested outside of the lab and is the main reason Google has announced the project publicly. This prototype, seen above, allows the user to see certain icons and apps in the upper part of their visual field, similar to where you would notice the edge of an umbrella. While the prototype is designed without a prescription, they do have plans to make this work with prescription eyewear. There is a rumor out that these will be available by the end of the year but I wouldn’t count on it. I’m sure you will see more about this in the coming months and we will be sure to pass on any information we receive. You can follow the progress of Project Glass here. Here is a video of what Project Glass is trying to accomplish.
Microsoft is also doing their own project and this is a video “they” released (just for fun).